Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Someone once said that Life is like theater, everyone comes to play its role and leaves. ME I like to say that I agree with that thinker. Note that sometimes we're lucky we even choose our role to play and sometimes that's life and the director gives us a role that can be good or bad. What does it matter what role we will not be judged only on the scenario but also on our relationship with other actors on stage at the theater, and more on the seriousness that we will have to fully embody our character. We will be judged on the manner in which we face a different scenario that the chapters are in reality the various events of our lives. And the two criteria are FAITH and MORALS with which we will take the events of life.

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LENT 2011

Poka Abbe Jean-Hugues and I a childhood friend and also a spiritual companions

In my case this year 2011, apart from a few points which falls within my privacy this with my spiritual guide, I can share these three points on which I have placed special emphasis

-More trust in God

- More of faith total abandonment by God

More -sharing with the unknown.

why, every morning I would cross the road on my bed. Every week I take two days of fasting (Tuesday and Friday) to share my limited resources with all its people starving in the world at the end of Lent I would offer to a person or to an orphanage where a person in need of more than I value all my meals of fasting for forty days (whatever the value for myself sick is a duty to share). Even on my chair I would make a pilgrimage to the Marian grotto at doumelong Saturday, March 19.

every morning at 4H, 15H and 22H can enter into communion of prayer with me, we could exchange the intentions and especially pray with the pope under the theme:

"Buried with Christ in the baptism, you are also raised with him "(Col. 2, 12)

ME BUT I CAN OFFER YOU THIS CAR IN THE MATTER OF FAITH, C 'are each according to his strength and charisma:

I do not ask long hours of prayer

I would not ask you spectacular actions charity

I would not ask you a long speech

I just want to ask only one thing: 5 minutes of your time each day to communicate with God, just 5 minutes no more, but 5 min true, 5 minutes of deep concentration for God.

Today is yours is to have the choice to make it better than yesterday.

Tomorrow is not yours and maybe you'll never see tomorrow.

Yesterday is already gone , but yesterday can still instruct you on your mistakes today.

God does not condemn you, He loves you. His love is free. He gives you his forgiveness for your sins, do not be afraid or ashamed to come back to him, do not say "My case is serious, we can not do anything for me" I am ashamed, leave me alone "I want to die"

God is at the door of your heart, it hits , open without fear leave him the possibility to write a new page in life with you.

Here's what I propose

The early morning

Sit on a bed, choose a short position enjoyable. What is important to God is purity of intention and faith.

Make your sign of the cross and the Lord said this

Thank God for allowing me to see the day.

Thank you for watching over the sleep of your creature.

Stp my God, give me this day:

A pure heart to host each event as an appointment with you,

Eyes to see the suffering of my brothers,

Ears to hear the cries that people grow to you,

Feet went to relieve the suffering,

hands to share the little I have raised my pockets

Thank you Lord for you are good .

Thank you in advance answered my prayers

At noon or A 15H

only Say this sentence with this faith. No matter where you are, just close your eyes for a few seconds and do the

"Jesus I trust in you"

the evening before bedtime

Let set. Nb: each can adapt according to their situation

Thank you Lord for this day that is ending.

First Lord I want to thank you because you let me see my new house in tonight.

As I prepare to go to bed I realize that someone else has not had the same chance as me. And it was me to show my worth back home tonight:

Is the name of beauty? Is the name of my money? Is the name of my intelligence? No I think it is neither one nor the other. I am aware that I am not the navel of the world. what seems to be prodigious in months, perhaps vanity in the other. oh Lord thank you for this gift that you grant me: that of being able to breathe again tonight.

Lord Then I would ask your forgiveness for all the moments of this day I still again with my bad habits or those times when I refused see you through my brothers. Where my heart was harden refusing to love, feuding, hating for no reason, refusing to forgive each other, when my pockets were closed with a thousand padlocks Whereas my money me belongs to me alone, refusing relieve share, where my hands were denied the request for assistance of one who had stumbled and asked for support get up, when my eyes were diverted the eyes of the widow who was weeping, the orphan who was hungry, indebted to my neighbor, my neighbor of deceived by her husband, my friend abused, humiliated by my colleague, when my ears are clogged with cries of pain of each other. Excuse me lord I thought you were standing in heaven, and yet you were near me, in my neighbor in my friends, my parents, into the unknown.

I thought it was necessary to meet you only look at the wretched thousands of steps from my house. And yet they were all near me, but my pride, my contention, my jealousy, my hatred, my lust, my strong sense of delicacy, my damage, prevented me from seeing you at my side. OH Lord grant me your forgiveness.

Lord, finally I'd like to ask a special favor to sleep well tonight, I want to ask for the grace that tomorrow I will make the same mistakes, I'd like to turn my situation paperless The academic record of my friends, my dad's poor health, the soul of my neighbor's mom died, the plight of one of my colleagues asphyxiated by debt, accumulated by problems of families and health, oh Lord for all those people who have taken care when I could not do anything except pray. I also entrust to you all my personal project.

Thank you Lord for your love on me.

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Do you really have the time? All or nothing

Do you really have the time?

Please Read this story:

I knelt to pray but not for long. I had too much to do. I had to hurry and get to work because the salary depended on it. So I knelt and said a prayer in a hurry, then I jumped to my feet. My Christian duty was now done. My soul could rest in peace.

Throughout the day I had no time to utter a word of good disposition. No time to talk about God to my friends, I was afraid they laugh at me. No time, no time, too busy, it was my constant cry, No time to give to souls in need.
But finally came the time, time to die.
I arrived before the Lord, I stood with downcast.
In his hands God held a book. It was the book of life. God looked at his book and said 'I'll get your name .... Sorry ... I can not find it ...
I said: Look again ... it should not be far off ..!!!
God told me : Yes, yes, you know, going to write your name, once on the list but I never found the time. "

Moral: No matter how we are in a hurry or busy (what?), We must make our life a constant prayer, always keep in touch with God.

SOURCE: Internet, kom aurelien, Cameroon Forum jec

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All or nothing

All or nothing

St. Mark 10.17-27

Jesus put on when a man ran up to him, knelt down and asked him: "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? "Jesus said to him:" Why call me good? No one is good except God alone. You know the commandments: Do not commit murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, do no harm to anyone, Honour thy father and thy mother. The man replied: "Master, I have observed all these commandments since my youth. "Placing his gaze on him, Jesus began to love him. He said: "One thing you lack: go, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me. But he, in these words, became dark and he went away sad, for he had great possessions. Then Jesus looked around and said to his disciples: "How hard it is to those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God! The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said: "Children, how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle as a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. "More and more confused, the disciples asked them:" Then who can be saved? Jesus looks at them and says, "For men this is impossible, but not for God, for everything is possible with God. "

Introductory Prayer Lord Jesus, help me to free myself from everything, so I can follow you every day. If I am too attached to anything in this world, I would like to know how to separate myself, to indulge only in your praise.

Application Grant me a pure heart, O Lord, a heart that seeks to give you always the first in my life.

Things to think

1. Do not only good but holy One of the biggest challenges we have in life is to cross the line from the goodness of holiness. There are many good people in this world, but there are few who are holy. The world needs the witness of saints. They are the ones who plan to shed light on this world, dark and gloomy.

2. Abandon all Why are we so deeply attached to the realities material world? They prevent us from making the definitive step that would lead us to holiness. Christ tells us to drop everything today. Detach your heart from worldly goods and attach it to Christ. You will then be filled with joy.

3. Follow Christ The story of the young rich man is one of the saddest stories of the whole Gospel. This young man could have been a great apostle as St. Peter or the other, but because of his calculating mind, he has strayed into the intricacies of the story. Nobody should make that mistake again. We should accept this Christ's invitation to us all and follow him without hesitation. The road is narrow, it is not easy. He asks us to give him, follow him with all my heart, and we will be filled with joy and peace.

Dialogue with the Lord Jesus Christ , I know you look me in the depths of his eyes now and you ask me to follow you. Give me strength, Lord, to seek true holiness in my life and I am not satisfied to be merely good.

Resolution I pray for the conversion of sinners, for my conversion, for a spiritual renewal in my life

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Pope's Message for Lent 2011 Pope presented on February 22 his message for Lent 2011, which begins on March 9. "Buried a

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Lent, which leads us to the celebration of the Blessed Easter, the Church is a liturgical season really valuable and important. So it is with pleasure that I send you this message so that Lent can be lived with all the warmth needed. Pending the definitive encounter with her Bridegroom in the eternal Passover, the Church community is intensifying its way of purifying the mind, by constant prayer and charity working to draw more abundantly in the Mystery of Redemption new life in Christ is Lord (cf. Preface of Lent I ).

1. This life has already been sent on the day of our baptism when, " become sharers in the death and resurrection of Christ , we started" joyful and exciting adventure of the discipleship "(Homily in the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord , January 10, 2010). In his epistles, St. Paul insists repeatedly on the very special communion with the Son of God, which is realized at the time of immersion in the baptismal waters . The fact that Baptism is received most often in infancy, clearly indicates that it is a gift of God: No one deserves eternal life by his own forces. The mercy of God, which erases the sins and gives us to live our lives with " the same feelings that are in Christ Jesus ( Ph 2.5), is transmitted to humans free.

In his letter to the Philippians, the Apostle to the Gentiles sheds light on the meaning of the transformation that occurs through participation in the death and resurrection of Christ, giving us the goal: "to know him with the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, possibly leading to the resurrection from the dead ( Ph 3, 10-11). Baptism is not a rite of the past, it is the encounter with Christ who gives shape to the whole existence of the baptized, it transmits the divine life and calls for a sincere conversion, driven and supported by the Thanks, allowing it to reach adult stature of Christ. A specific link

Baptism unites to Lent as a period favorable to experiment saving grace. The Fathers of Vatican II has appealed to all the Pastors of the Church to be "used more extensively the elements of the baptismal liturgy of Lent" (Dogmatic Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium , 109). Indeed, from its origins, the Church has joined the Easter Vigil Mass and the celebration of Baptism: the sacrament is performed in the great mystery in which man dies to sin, becomes part of the new life in Christ risen and receives the same Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead (cf. Rom 8:11). This gift must be constantly renewed in us, and Lent offers us a path similar to the catechumenate, which for the Christians of the early Church like those of today, is a place of learning essential to faith and Christian life: they really live their baptism as a decisive act for their entire existence.

2. To take seriously the way to Easter and we prepare to celebrate Christ's resurrection - which is the most joyous celebration and solemn liturgical year - what could be more appropriate if it is being guided by the Word of God? Therefore the Church, through the Gospel texts proclaimed during Sundays of Lent, she leads us to a special meeting with the Lord, making us run through the stages of Christian initiation: for the catechumens in to receive the Sacrament of new birth and for those already baptized in order to make further decisive steps to follow Christ in a gift fullest.

The first Sunday of the Lenten journey enlightens our earthly condition. The victorious battle Jesus inaugurates the temptations that time his mission is a call to recognize our frailty to receive the grace that frees us from sin and strengthens us in a new way in Christ, way, truth and life (cf. . Ordo Initiationis Christianae Adultorum , n. 25). It is a pressing invitation to remind ourselves, following the example of Christ and in union with him that Christian faith implies a struggle against the "Powers of this dark world" (Eph 6.12) where the devil is at work and continues even today, to try every man who wants to approach the Lord Christ was the winner of this fight, also to open our heart to hope and lead us to victory over the temptations of evil.

The Gospel of the Transfiguration of the Lord makes us contemplate the glory of Christ, anticipating the resurrection and announces the deification of man. The Christian community finds that following the apostles Peter and Jean Jacques, it is conducted "in a place apart, a high mountain" (Mt 17.1) to accommodate a new way, in Christ as a son in the Son, the gift of the Grace of God: "This is my beloved Son, in whom my favor, listen to him" (v.5). These words invite us to leave the rumor of the day to immerse ourselves in God's presence: He wants to send us a daily word that gets us to the depths of the mind, where it discerns good and evil (cf. He 4.12) and strengthens our resolve to follow the Lord.

"Give me to drink" (Jn 4.7). This request of Jesus to the Samaritan woman, who is reported in the third Sunday liturgy expresses the passion of God for every man and wants to awaken in our heart's desire donation "water welling up to eternal life" (v.14): The gift of the Holy Spirit makes Christians "true worshipers", able to pray to the Father "in spirit and in truth" (v .23). Only that water can quench our thirst for good, truth and beauty! Only that water which is given to us by a Son, can irrigate deserts of the soul concerned and dissatisfied "until it rests in God," according to the famous expression of Saint Augustine.

Sunday the blind presents Christ as the light of the world. The Gospel speaks to everyone: "Do you believe in the Son of Man?" Yes, I believe the Lord "(Jn 9, 35-38), answered cheerfully born blind, who spoke on behalf of every believer. The miracle of healing is the sign that Christ, by making the view, also wants to open our inner eye so that our faith is becoming deeper and we can recognize him as our only Saviour. Christ illumines all darkness and gives life to man to live as "children of light."

When the gospel of the fifth Sunday proclaims the resurrection of Lazarus, we face the ultimate mystery of our existence: "I am the resurrection and the life ... do you believe it? "(Jn 11, 25-26). Following Martha's time for the Christian community to place, and again in consciousness, all his hope in Jesus of Nazareth: "Yes Lord, I believe you are the Christ, the Son of God who comes in the world "(v.27). Communion with Christ in this life we prepare to cross the barrier of death to live eternally in Him. Faith in the resurrection and hope in eternal life open our minds to the ultimate meaning of our existence: God created man for the resurrection and life, this truth gives authentic and final dimension to human history, the personal existence, in society, culture, politics, economics. Deprived of the light of faith, the whole world perished, trapped in a tomb with no future or hope.

The course of Lent finds its completion in the Easter Triduum, especially in the Great Vigil of Holy Night: renewing the baptismal promises, we again proclaim that Christ is Lord of our life, this life God gave us when we are reborn "Water and the Spirit," and we reaffirm our resolve to match the action of Grace to be his disciples.

3. Our immersion in the death and resurrection of Christ in the sacrament of Baptism, we shoot every day to free our heart weight of material things, the relationship with selfish "earth", which impoverishes us and prevents us from being available and hospitable to God and neighbor. In Christ, God has revealed Love (cf. 1 Jn 4.7 to 10). The Cross of Christ, the "language of the Cross expresses the saving power of God (cf. 1 Cor 1.18) which is given to meet the man and bring him to salvation: he is the most radical form of love (cf. Enc. Deus Caritas Est , 12). The traditional practice of fasting, almsgiving and prayer, signs of our commitment to conversion, Lent teaches us to live in ever more radical love of Christ. The fasting, which may have different motivations, is the Christian meaning deeply religious impoverishing our table, we learn to overcome our selfishness to live the logic of giving and love; accepting the loss of something - which is not only unnecessary - we learn to divert our attention from our "me" to find someone next to us and acknowledge God in the face of so many of our brothers. For the Christian, fasting is nothing intimate , but opens up so God and the plight of men, she made sure that love for God becomes as to love one's neighbor (cf. Mc 12,31).

On our way, we encounter also the temptation of possession, love of money, which opposes the rule of God in our lives. The greed of possession begets violence, malfeasance and death, that is why the Church, especially in time of Lent, called the practice of almsgiving , ie sharing . Idolatry property, on the contrary, not only separates us from other human beings but empty by leaving unhappy with him lying and deceiving her without realizing what it promises, because the substitute material goods to God the only source of life. So how can we understand the goodness of God if our father's heart is full of himself and our projects that give the illusion of secure our future? The temptation is to think like the rich man in the parable: "My soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years ...». We know that the Lord responds: "You fool, this night is gonna reapply your soul ..." (Lk 19.19 to 20). The practice of almsgiving us back to God's primacy and attention to each other, it shows us again the goodness of the Father and receive his mercy.

Throughout the period of Lent, the Church provides us with great abundance of God's Word. By meditating on the internalizing and to embody every day, we discover a form of prayer which is precious and irreplaceable. Indeed, listening attentively to God who speaks incessantly to the heart, nourishes the faith journey that we started the day of our Baptism. Prayer also helps us to enter a new perception of time: Without the prospect of eternity and transcendence, in fact, time is a rate that pace our steps towards a horizon with no future. In requesting the contrary, we take time for God to discover that his "words will not pass away" (Mk 13.31), to enter into this intimate communion with Him "that nobody can take away" (cf. Jn 16.22), which opens us to hope that does not disappoint, and life everlasting.

In summary, the journey of Lent, which we are invited to contemplate the mystery of the Cross, is to make us "conformed to Christ in his death" (Philippians 3.10), to operate a deep conversion of our lives: let us be transformed by the action of the Holy Spirit, as St. Paul on the road Damascus, firmly carry our existence by the will of God, free us from our selfishness in excess of the instinct to dominate others and looking forward to the charity of Christ. The period of Lent is a favorable time to recognize our frailty, to receive, through a sincere review of life, renewing grace of the Sacrament of Penance and press forward toward Christ.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, the personal encounter with our Redeemer and the practice of fasting, almsgiving and prayer, the path of conversion to Easter leads us to discover a new way our Baptism. Welcome back, this time of Lent, the Grace that God has given us at our Baptism, so that it illuminates and guides all our actions. What this sacrament signifies and actually, we are called to live day after day, following Christ with ever greater generosity and authenticity. In this process, we entrust to the Virgin Mary gave birth to the Word of God in faith and in the flesh, to immerse ourselves in it as the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus and have eternal life.

the Vatican, November 4, 2010