Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mount Blade 1.011 Seri No

LENT 2011

Poka Abbe Jean-Hugues and I a childhood friend and also a spiritual companions

In my case this year 2011, apart from a few points which falls within my privacy this with my spiritual guide, I can share these three points on which I have placed special emphasis

-More trust in God

- More of faith total abandonment by God

More -sharing with the unknown.

why, every morning I would cross the road on my bed. Every week I take two days of fasting (Tuesday and Friday) to share my limited resources with all its people starving in the world at the end of Lent I would offer to a person or to an orphanage where a person in need of more than I value all my meals of fasting for forty days (whatever the value for myself sick is a duty to share). Even on my chair I would make a pilgrimage to the Marian grotto at doumelong Saturday, March 19.

every morning at 4H, 15H and 22H can enter into communion of prayer with me, we could exchange the intentions and especially pray with the pope under the theme:

"Buried with Christ in the baptism, you are also raised with him "(Col. 2, 12)

ME BUT I CAN OFFER YOU THIS CAR IN THE MATTER OF FAITH, C 'are each according to his strength and charisma:

I do not ask long hours of prayer

I would not ask you spectacular actions charity

I would not ask you a long speech

I just want to ask only one thing: 5 minutes of your time each day to communicate with God, just 5 minutes no more, but 5 min true, 5 minutes of deep concentration for God.

Today is yours is to have the choice to make it better than yesterday.

Tomorrow is not yours and maybe you'll never see tomorrow.

Yesterday is already gone , but yesterday can still instruct you on your mistakes today.

God does not condemn you, He loves you. His love is free. He gives you his forgiveness for your sins, do not be afraid or ashamed to come back to him, do not say "My case is serious, we can not do anything for me" I am ashamed, leave me alone "I want to die"

God is at the door of your heart, it hits , open without fear leave him the possibility to write a new page in life with you.

Here's what I propose

The early morning

Sit on a bed, choose a short position enjoyable. What is important to God is purity of intention and faith.

Make your sign of the cross and the Lord said this

Thank God for allowing me to see the day.

Thank you for watching over the sleep of your creature.

Stp my God, give me this day:

A pure heart to host each event as an appointment with you,

Eyes to see the suffering of my brothers,

Ears to hear the cries that people grow to you,

Feet went to relieve the suffering,

hands to share the little I have raised my pockets

Thank you Lord for you are good .

Thank you in advance answered my prayers

At noon or A 15H

only Say this sentence with this faith. No matter where you are, just close your eyes for a few seconds and do the

"Jesus I trust in you"

the evening before bedtime

Let set. Nb: each can adapt according to their situation

Thank you Lord for this day that is ending.

First Lord I want to thank you because you let me see my new house in tonight.

As I prepare to go to bed I realize that someone else has not had the same chance as me. And it was me to show my worth back home tonight:

Is the name of beauty? Is the name of my money? Is the name of my intelligence? No I think it is neither one nor the other. I am aware that I am not the navel of the world. what seems to be prodigious in months, perhaps vanity in the other. oh Lord thank you for this gift that you grant me: that of being able to breathe again tonight.

Lord Then I would ask your forgiveness for all the moments of this day I still again with my bad habits or those times when I refused see you through my brothers. Where my heart was harden refusing to love, feuding, hating for no reason, refusing to forgive each other, when my pockets were closed with a thousand padlocks Whereas my money me belongs to me alone, refusing relieve share, where my hands were denied the request for assistance of one who had stumbled and asked for support get up, when my eyes were diverted the eyes of the widow who was weeping, the orphan who was hungry, indebted to my neighbor, my neighbor of deceived by her husband, my friend abused, humiliated by my colleague, when my ears are clogged with cries of pain of each other. Excuse me lord I thought you were standing in heaven, and yet you were near me, in my neighbor in my friends, my parents, into the unknown.

I thought it was necessary to meet you only look at the wretched thousands of steps from my house. And yet they were all near me, but my pride, my contention, my jealousy, my hatred, my lust, my strong sense of delicacy, my damage, prevented me from seeing you at my side. OH Lord grant me your forgiveness.

Lord, finally I'd like to ask a special favor to sleep well tonight, I want to ask for the grace that tomorrow I will make the same mistakes, I'd like to turn my situation paperless The academic record of my friends, my dad's poor health, the soul of my neighbor's mom died, the plight of one of my colleagues asphyxiated by debt, accumulated by problems of families and health, oh Lord for all those people who have taken care when I could not do anything except pray. I also entrust to you all my personal project.

Thank you Lord for your love on me.


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