Saturday, September 11, 2010

Can I Order Pizza With A Visa Gift

Final Fantasy XI, a theme park par excellence

In ten days out the new Final Fantasy: The Final Fantasy 14. And online please. Ah yes madam, is meuporg !

For you, young reader's eye to such magnificence wet (mine), I tested it. On the other hand, it is not difficult you may say, since you have to register for the open beta which started a week ago.

Yes, but no. It's not as simple as that.

So already, it took three days for registration decongest servers (like snails). Once finally entered, the download took me a day and night: the rotten patch. It began badly, but right now I'm more than a Zen monk Shaolin, I persevered.

And yet I'm not a fanboy of the series (you will notice the transition, drive technology enthusiast, I use words from your tribe, lol). I previously played on two Final Fantasy on my Playstation and that was it. Enough to not stand this fucking music at the end of each bout.

So in all fairness that I have tested this game on my new PC gamer. Note that I played on a PC because FF14 will also be released on PS3. Accuracy is important because at first sight we see that the game has been designed to be played on a console and not on a PC. A bit like a Street Fighter, what.

Then the game, exactly? It is how the game? (Young audience you are impatient and it makes me happy).

Firstly, the game is beautiful. Extremely beautiful even. The characters are well modeled, without too many polygons, and the scenery is magnificent. The climate is run, even if it rains in the tunnels, and alternating day and night. What to facilitate immersion in the universe.

Except. Except that we feel that we is on a game console: can not go where it wants through the landscape. Aberrant for an MMORPG, moving in the map is scripted.

Because for scripted, the game is scripted, like any good Final Fantasy respectable. From the beginning, the player is engaged in the main quest that serves as a tutorial. A quest full of cinematic well realized. The problem is we did not feel like playing a game, but to watch an interactive movie. Some say that it contributes to the feeling of immersion. Hmm ...

So a game where one is constantly directed, and in his travels, and in his actions. And woe to those who want to think outside the box, because then the game reveals its vididité (ie be empty, I just invented).

And the fighting? This is how the fighting?

Ben sucks. Already, there is a lag of several seconds, regardless of the server (all located in Japan) on which we play. It's heavy. And it's even heavier than the interface is zero. Unable to point with the mouse because of lag, scrolling menus to never end, a tab key that does not pinpoint streums effectively (begins by pointing to himself, the last straw!). A real disaster. The fights are soft and unmanageable when there are more than two streums.

FF14 And yet developed an original idea: with only 6 base classes at its disposal, the player developed a hybrid after the weapon he used. So if I am using a spear, I unlock skills lancer. If I use a wand, skills mago. And once learned I can use all the skills learned. The idea was nice, if not ruined by a crappy interface and lag for a PC.

Fortunately there is music. Yeah, except that music, I can not stand more. I have the impression of being in an elevator in a tower of Defense. What is it boring! And then it gives a sense of carebear permanent, even when we fight.

Fortunately there are crafts. We are talking about the craft! I honestly not understand how it works! I did everything at random so I thought it was blowing. So it goes.

In summary, because I had chicken on my grill and it will burn if I do not hurry to finish this article, Final Fantasy releases mixed feelings.

The universe is beautiful and mesmerizing enough, but the game is unplayable as it is and gives an impression of extraordinary softness. Personally I hesitated, but I do not think I'll play it out in late September.

To get an idea by yourself, you can subscribe to open beta here . It will last until 20 September.


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